The JustJobs Index 2014 was launched at a breakfast seminar in Fafo, Oslo on October 29. Continue reading
The JustJobs Index was launched October 9, 2014 at a conference in the Norwegian Embassy in Washington. The conference – “Just Jobs – A new Agenda for Inclusive Growth” – focuses on the necessity of considering the jobs dimension as a part of how can countries fashion an economic model that is truly inclusive and sustainable.
Program of the JustJobs Index Launch
The JustJobs Index Report
The JustJobs Launch 2014 Powerpoint Presentation
One of the aims of the JustJobs Index is to exploit existing data in order to build a comprehensive picture of the characteristics and quality of the labor market and the jobs that people have in the different countries of the world. That is an aim that is far from easy to achieve, as the example of safety at work shows.
Douglas Adams, in his famous series of books “Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy” describes an alien race who builds a supercomputer that is given the task of finding the ultimate answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything. Having churned away at the questions for eons, the computer finally answers with a single number: 42. Continue reading
Construction of composite indices is an important method for measuring multi-dimensional concepts by combining large number of indicators in a standardized way into a single index. Many indices have been developed, such as the Human development index, the OECD Better Life Index, Corruption perceptions index and others. Composite indices are a useful tool in policy analysis and public communication, because they allow simple comparison of countries and identifying trends. Nevertheless, there are challenges in constructing composite indices. Here we will point out seven issues that we deem important for the current JustJobs Index. Continue reading
The European JustJobs Index, a cooperation effort by Progressive Economy, the JustJobs Network and Fafo was launched at a conference in the European Parliament in Brussels on March 5-6, 2014. The European JustJobs traces the development of Just Jobs in Europe since the turn of the millennium, and documents a decrease in the quality of working conditions.